
[SIGGRAPH23] “Think in new perspectives”-Sumi Kim

Solo exhibition: “20020225-20040302”, 2004, Gallery Lux,
“The deserted story_board”, 2009, Gallery On
Animation: “Holgi”, 2022, The National Gugak Museum,
“Siyongmubo”, 2022, The National Gugak Museum,
“The Objects of Memory”, 2022, Jeongok Prehistory Museum
Book illustration: “A Sibling’s Guide To Autism", 2021
Please introduce your project and how Feather is used
My favorite part of the process is working in a physical sketchbook. Sketchbooks are great when you have an idea, or your hands are itching to do something. You can keep it right next to you, start casually, and fill it up with pages and pages of sketches. A sketchbook can be a series of art with slightly connected pages or a complete work. I love it more than any other painting, installation, or animation I've spent time on. At first, little things come to my mind, such as collages of reminiscence, travel memories, and random thoughts that follow one after the other. They were unrecognizable in the first drawings. As I move across the pages, connections are made between them, and each element finds value.
Feather is another form of new sketchbook for me. The beauty of improvising in a 3D sketchbook with a pen is that these sketches don't just stay in the sketchbook; they expand in a larger space and seem realistic that I even feel like I’m inside the drawings. This 3D sketchbook, which I can get into the drawing and draw other things further, has a different charm than a paper sketchbook that I flip through pages. I think I will stay in this 3D sketchbook for a while.
What are the tools you use in the creative process?
I often work with paper sketchbooks for landscapes, travel sketches, collage drawings, etc. I make most of them by myself, small enough to fit in the palm of my hand, or use Moleskine sketchbooks.
Where did Feather help you get ideas developed?
The most helpful aspect of Feather for my work is the use of lenses that show a different sense of space. Of course, I use many other features. Still, the immediate visual experience of working in 3D space, looking at objects from different angles and distances, and adding and subtracting my imagination, is one I've never had before and gave me a lot of possibilities.
Why do you keep trying new tools, and what are your reasons for choosing the tool?
I keep trying new tools because I've only been doing animation work for a short time, so I have much to learn. There are a lot of gaps in the scenes I want to show and the animation I can create, so it's essential to keep learning. I plan to start playing around with Blender, not only for animation but also for better utilizing Feather together.
I can see many stairs, windows, and illusions in your artwork, what did you want to express by this?
There seems to be a common denominator among the figures in the romantic landscape paintings of Dürer, the spaces in the paintings of Magritte and the surrealists, the elements of Bacon's paintings, and the features that often appear in my drawings. It's a straightforward answer: looking for an escape to somewhere else but being stuck in the present and living in complacency. Confused, wanting to find a way out, but that chaos also has beauty and familiarity that make you want to stay.
When drawing with Feather, what makes it different?
I don’t use Feather for illustration yet since my illustrations are mostly outsourced for print. I have reworked some of my illustrations with Feather to show them via AR. The images I've created with Feather are mainly illustrations for educational materials. I'm experimenting with Feather to see if I can use it to help students sketch their ideas for spatial work, typography, etc. I want to utilize the function to view directly in AR. I can already think in 3D with Feather, but I've had the experience of seeing sketches in AR that made me want to develop the idea instead of just thinking about it, so I want to show students that possibility as well.
What is important in creating illustrations, and how 3D creation tools nowadays facilitate or hinder it?
I have plans to create animation films by using Feather artwork as backgrounds. I also want to make AR picture books and AR cards with Feather. 3D is a more fun way to realize my imagination than 2D. I have yet to challenge myself with any 3D programs except Feather. It's just too hard! In 2023, I will give it a try, starting with Blender.
What would you like to say to toolmakers like us?
Thank you for helping me get started in 3D work for the first time. I've had a lot of people ask me about it when they see me using it. It seems that there are many areas where Feather can be useful. It is easy to learn and has the advantage of being used in various ways to suit each person's purpose. The more people who use it, the more requests there will be. I am looking forward to doing more interesting work with future updates.
Each artwork in Feather has been shown in an interactive way at the exhibition. Check them in 3D on her Sketchfab: https://sketchfab.com/illu_sumi
All sent works are copyrighted and owned solely by the original author.

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