
Step by step

Capture your process!

While the previous event, “Featherary,” we have been sharing our drawings daily.
Not only for the event but more Feather works are also being shared.
But only a little share of the process.
For March, I hope we can have a chance to appreciate our process too!
 What: Capture and share any of your processes.
Don’t need to show the finished work.
You don’t need to start a new work. You could share the process of work you have already shared.
Feel free to show using other tools together too.
Share in any format you feel comfortable with. Share it daily or all at once; it is up to you. (Check below for examples!)
 When: 2023-03-15 ~ 2023-03-31
 Format: Image, Video, 3D, or links of your postings.
All the drawings that joined the event will be shared on our social media channels!

4 Examples of how to capture the process!

by Jenny
Show 3~4 points of the process.
Casually capture the moment with your phone.
Record your screen while you draw and share the full or some parts of it!
Take a photo or capture your screen with what you are drawing.

All drawings and process shared

Download the digital “Feather calendar”
Check previous community events
We respect all creators and their creations.
2023 Sketchsoft Inc. All rights reserved.